I Love Ugly Radio returns as a platform for us to offer a new perspective on music, where we can reach out to the people that inspire us to get a glimpse into their mind. Music has always been a big part in the development of ILU, not only internally but through our wider community as well.
To start off we reached out to our good friend, @chesterwatson, As one of our earliest collaborators, Chester has also been one of our favourite artists here at ILU. Having recently released his new album, Fish Don’t Climb Trees, he has also signed and sent us a limited edition pressing of the record to give away to our community. Head over to our Instagram @iloveugly for details on how to enter.
“I wanted to create a smooth, timeless playlist by incorporating music i grew up on, music from artists that have helped me mold my own art, as well as introduce people to nü music that they may not have heard of before. Composed of a blend of soul, jazz, hip-hop, psychedelia, and r&b, this playlist will leave you floating." — Chester Watson
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